Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Proust Questionnaire (Vanity Fair)

If I were ever to be interviewed by Vanity Fair, which I hope someday I might, I would want it to be with the little questionnaire they do at the very end of the magazine with someone who is usually...aged, I shall say it. My favorite was Bette Midler's (What is your motto: "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke"...gotta love her), my least favorite being Mia Farrow's (If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: "I would be a man."...how terribly mysogynistic). So I decided to answer the questions just for my own amusement.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?: A damn good book and a thunderstorm. Possibly with candles.

What's your current state of mind?: angry, anxious

What or who is the greatest love of your life?: Literature. It's so nerdy, but there isn't a single answer I can't find in the written word, in the pages of books and magazines.

Which living person do you most admire?: Barack Obama. I really believe he wants to make things better. I hope so.

What is the quality you most like in a man?: Confident, laidback, intelligence is the biggest by far.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?: Laughter. Sarcasm. Maybe even the ability to be a tad bit cruel.

What is your greatest extravagance?: Ugh. Buying movies because I watch them over and over again. Or shoes.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?: Ignorance, a penchant for being overly controlling when you deserve no such power.

What is your greatest fear?: Drowning. Open water. Empty space.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?: Chastity? just kidding. Humility. Sometimes you need to shout your own praises for people to hear you.

Which living person do you most despise?: Kim Jong-Il. And celebrities that make the rest of the world look at America and feel disgust, which in turn makes so many of us feel shame.

When and where were you the happiest?: The summer I was 16. Pretty much the entire year I was 16. I went to Germany, I spent so much time with my best friends, I kissed cute boys, and I felt and acted my age.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?: 'bamf' and 'ridiculous' and 'crazy' and I probably swear too much.

Which talent would you most like to have?: The prolific writing ability of Nora Roberts. The singing ability of Idena Menzel. Or the ability to write music!

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I would be less indecisive. I would stand my ground on things and just...DO them. Not think about them and process them for far too long.

If you were to die and came back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?: A book. Or a movie star.

What is your most treasured possession: My 9/11 bear from Jill - all the Red Cross volunteer nurses who helped at Ground Zero were given it, and for some reason I still don't understand, she gave hers to me. It's how I remember her, and remember who I want to be.

What do you regard as the lowest depths of misery?: Cruelty, repression, ignorance.

What do you most value in your friends?: Their ability to be honest with me, to tell me the ways I'm lying to myself. The fact that they can be so different from me and it doesn't matter in a bad way.

Who are your favorite writers?: Scott Westerfeld, Kurt Vonnegut, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Meg Cabot, Terry Brooks, Frank Herbert (the man changed my life!)

Who is your favorite hero of fiction?: Will Parry from Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. Will is selfless and sacrificing and absolutely loyal. I love Will.

Who are your heroes in real life?: Intelligent celebrities, Christiane Amanpour, Justine Larbalestier

Which historical figure do you most identify with?: Marie Antoinette. Thrust into a situation she couldn't understand, and just wandering through life trying not to get my head cut off.

How would you like to die?: Quickly.

What is your greatest regret?: Holding on. I know what I mean.

What is your motto?: It depends on the situation. Sometimes it's "bitch, please," other times its "allow people to change your mind," and sometimes its "stand your ground."

And now I am off to watch a bunch of movies that I borrowed from a very good friend of mine. Thanks for listening!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Left and Christianity

This is something I really do not understand.
There are some liberals I know that think having religion and being a liberal don't mesh. Usually I just roll my eyes and don't dignify that ignorance with a response. In my eyes, how can you be liberal and not have some sort of faith? How can you try and save humanity if you think nothing happens when you die?
The left is no Godless. Some of us have found Him, and it only makes me more sure that being a liberal is where I'm supposed to be.

Granted, I consider myself Christian - I have faith and follow the message, I'm just not so sure that churches do.

The whole point of Christianity is to live a life like Christ - to be "christ-like."

What does this mean? In my estimation it means forgiveness, love, charity, just plain helping other people. Liberals are called bleeding hearts - the ones who want to help everyone, help the people who can't help themselves, and give and give even when there isn't anything left. How do the ideas of liberalism and Christianity not mesh? They are magnets that should stick together unstoppably.

I know that not everyone thinks this, but I've heard it enough that it bored into my head and bothered me. I can completely understand how someone wouldn't find faith or God in the world we live in today - I'm not going to preach or push, I just wanted to say that there are some people who are lefties and Christ-ies. It guides what I do, and its guided me left. I would never want a liberal in the White House because I believe there must always be balance and moderation, but that's another long rant. There's only one issue where my politics trumps my morals - abortion. I'm pro-choice. The idea of the government telling me what I can do with my body literally gives me chills. Though I myself would never do it, I feel like others of a different mind should be able to make that decision for themselves. If they don't feel forced, they won't feel desperate. But that is a ramble for another time.

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith;
be courageous; be strong;
do everything in love."
-1 Corinthians 16:13-14